
Went RI aka RJC for the first time this morning! (:
Nope not for work~

I didn’t know the students need an access pass for the gate =.= I came by the back door but realised that I couldn’t enter…
So I walked all the way to the front gate (cursing occasionally) and then sneaked in when 1 of the students scanned her pass! xD

Felt superrrr foreign in this big institution…

And all the school activities that I’ve lost touch with long ago :S
Nostalgic indeed!

So I was there for a briefing because I decided to do something good this Christmas! (:
A few of the RJC students have came up with this gift-wrapping project to raise funds for the Children’s Cancer Foundation!

Unfortunately, I was the only non-RJC student there! =/
Not only that, I was practically like some over-aged and out of place weirdo, sitting amongst all the students who are dressed in school attire! OMG.

I know Gek Peng’s gonna hate me for saying this, but I never felt so OLD before!!!
Especially when the attendance list was being passed around and everyone’s IC number is like S93XXXXXX and mine is the eye-catching S89XXXXXX! AHHHHHHHHH~!

Luckily at least I see a familiar face around – Shi Hui! (:
And the hiccups during the briefing kinda cracked me up…LOLOL.

I like gift-wrapping anyway!
Recall TCC’s 21st present, wrapped by yours truly~ xD

But of course this is just one of the “good wrap days” and I doubt we’ll have time to do such detailed wrapping on the day itself.
Kinda looking forward to it! Though I only managed to make it for 1 day =/

December is gonna be a busyyyy month!
But I’m ready for it!!! Hehe.

The briefing lasted only about an hour and luckily I could reach office conveniently from there as well (:
But the weather was soooooo hotttttt that I could have died from a heatstroke! Zzzzz.

Lunch was intended to be at Chomp Chomp, but I forgot that it doesn’t open until evening! =/
So I brought boss and Wilson to Ministry of Steak instead, despite of the angry experience that time.

It was quite empty so I guessed that we wouldn’t have to wait too long this time round.

Love the X’mas ornaments!
And I just realised the guy in this photo looks scarily like Ben (Eugene’s friend)! O.O

I had grilled fish which already smells great when it was being served! (:
I’m glad that Wilson and boss enjoyed their food too! I’ll feel damn guilty if the food is bad!

Back to office and we started discussing about the scripts again…
But I was so focused with my construction video that I wasn’t involved in their discussion most of the time =X

Both have got their own deadlines, so I really don’t know which to focus on.
Oh well. At least I managed to finish the video at the end of the day (:

Back to AMK to meet my dearest PPGs for dinner and movie!!! ❤
Supposed to watch Harry Potter with clique but I didn’t wanna leave early and pangseh my girls, so I decided to watch with them instead =/

It’s been YEARS since we last watched a movie together anyway!
So long that even my blog doesn’t seem to have any records of it…LOL.

Had MOS Burger for dinner since everywhere else has a queue!
MOS Burger used to be where 4 of us (Yinning, Nadine, Xiao Qian and I) always hang out at by the way! Hahaha!

But because my lunch wasn’t digested yet, I only ordered corn soup and Ichigo Bliss (:
Nadine and Xiao Qian kept offering me their food of course…LOL.

Shared this mango and green tea ice-cream and it’s niceeeeeee~! ((:

Then just nice, it was time for our movie – Harry Potter!
At last I get to watch!!! ^^

But I have this annoying girl sitting beside me and she just can’t shut up! -.-“
She kept telling her friend what’s going to happen, what she thinks will happen, what happened in the prequels and etc!

I seriously don’t know she’s there to watch movie or to narrate it. Zzzzz!
Can even make unnecessary comment like “She’s still in her office wear…“, so you know how noisy she is.

Anyway, although I can never remember the prequels of Harry Potter, each of them never fail to make me feel excited and do stupid running actions as though that can make them run faster xD

But I think Deathly Hallows didn’t make me feel as excited as … I forgot which.
Maybe it’s because the excitement got cut off halfway, which I doubt I will remember by the time part 2 comes out =/

It was time to part with the girls and we couldn’t really bear to! D:
So I walked further and further with them and they ended up walking me nearer and nearer to my house! LOL.

Played cheat…tsk tsk!
Can’t wait for our next meet-up! Can’t wait for Yinning to come back and join us too! ❤

(via happythings.tumblr)

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